These super funny kids jokes are sure to bring a smile and some laughter. Here are over 100 hilarious jokes for kids to keep everyone laughing. You’ll even find a couple of corny jokes for kids that are sure to create a giggle or two.

We love telling jokes at dinner or on a long car ride!  If you still need more try these jokes for children.

two girls laughing telling kids jokes

I have compiled a long list of what I think are some best jokes for kids.  I tested them on my own children (and husband) and we all were cracking up with these good jokes!

These silly jokes for kids are a great way to kill a little time when you are trying to keep kids organized or a child occupied.  Waiting in line, waiting at a restaurant, waiting for the dentist!

Pull the jokes up on your phone or here they in a printable form.

Download —> Printable FUNNY Kid Jokes

A Long List of Hilariously Funny Jokes for Kids

Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist?
A: It had a blue tooth.

Q. Why did the bicycle fall over?
A: It was two tired.

Q: How does a cow do math?
A: With a cow-culator!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine?
A: A slowpoke.

Q: Why is a baseball stadium always cool?
A: It is full of fans.

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A: An investigator!

Q: Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A: To get to the bottom!

Q: What is the witch’s favorite school subject?
A: Spelling!

Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
A:  I’ll meet you at the corner!

Q: Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
A: Because then it would be a foot.

Q:  How do you get a tissue to dance?
A:  You put a little boogie in it

Q:  Why did they quit giving tests at the zoo?
A:  Because it was full of cheetahs

Q:  Why is a bad joke like a pencil?
A:  Because it has no point

Q:  What do you call a pig that knows karate?
A: a pork chop!

Q: Why are ghosts bad liars?
A: Because you can see right through them!

Q: What animal needs to wear a wig?
A: A bald eagle!

Q:  Where do polar bears keep their money?
A:  A snow bank.

Q:  What room can no one enter?
A:  A mushroom

Q:  What kind of key can never unlock a door?
A:  A monkey

Q:  What has four wheels and flies?
A:  A garbage truck

Q:  Why do graveyards have a fence around them?
A:  Because people are dying to get in.

Q:  What did the cheerleader say to the ghost?
A:  Show your spirit.

Q:  What did one eye say to the other?
A:  Between you and me something smells.

skip to my lou image of two kids laughing at kids jokes

Q:  What do you call fake noodles?
A:  Im-pasta

Q:  How does the ocean say hello?
A:  It waves

Q:  What do you call cheese that is not yours?
A:  Nacho cheese

Q:  What does a nosey pepper do?
A:  Gets jalapeno your business

Q:  What do you call a pig that knows karate?
A:  Pork Chop

Q:  Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?
A:  Because she will let it go

Q:  What is the smartest kind of bee?
A:  A spelling bee

Q:  Why do bees have sticky hair?
A:  They use a honey comb

Q:  What do you get when you cross an elephant and a potato?
A:  Mashed potatoes

Q:  What do you call an old snowman?
A:  Water

Q:  Why is a baseball stadium always cool?
A:  It is full of fans

Q:  Why did Santa go to music school?
A:  So he could improve his wrapping skills

Q:  Why couldn’t the pirate learn the alphabet?
A:  Because he was always lost at C

Q:  What did the man say when he walked into a bar?
A:  Ouch!

Q:  What are the strongest days of the week?
A:  Saturday and Sunday.  Every other day is a weekday

Q:  What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?
A:  A watchdog

Q:  What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips?
A:  A chipmonk

Q:  What did the girl ocean say to the boy ocean when he asked her out on a date?
A:  Shore

Q:  Why do shoemakers go to heaven?
A:  Because they have good soles

Q:  What did one plate say to another plate?
A:  Dinner is on me

Q:  Why did they bury the battery?
A:  Because it was dead.

Q:  What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
A:  Time to get a new fence

Q:  Why don’t dinosaurs eat clowns?
A:  Because they taste funny

Q:  Why did the girl throw a stick of butter?
A:  She wanted to see a butter fly

Q: What did the finger say to the thumb?
A: I’m in glove with you

Q:  What has only one eye, but still can’t see?
A:  A needle

 Updated More Funny Jokes To Tell

If you still feel at a loss when your child says, “tell me a funny joke” here are a few more that I just added.  I think they are some really good jokes for kids! Having a good sense of humor can brighten your days!

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel!

Q: Why do bicycles fall over?
A: They are too tired.

Q: What did the pencil say to the paper?
A: Write on!

Q: Why was the baby strawberry crying?
A: Because his parents were in a jam.

Q: Why did the scarecrow get a big promotion?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field..

Q: What do you call a cow with three legs?
A: Lean beef

Q: Want me to tell you a joke about pizza?
A: Sorry, it is too cheesy.

Q: Why was the broom late?
A: It overswept.

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: Why did Mozart sell his chickens?
A: They kept saying, “Bach, Bach, Bach.”

Q: What word starts with E and has only one letter in it?
A: Envelope.

Q: Why is dark spelled with a K and not a C?
A: Because you can’t see in the dark.

Q: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
A: Ten tickles

Q: Why did the kid throw the clock out the window?
A: He wanted to see time fly.

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?
A: It wasn’t peeling well.

Q: What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
A: A palm tree!

Q: How can you tell that a tree is a dogwood tree?
A: By its bark!

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A Gummy Bear

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the dance alone?
A: He had no body to go with him!

Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: Stick with me, and we will go places!

Q: What’s another name for a clever duck?
A: Wise quacker!

Q: Why did the man run around his bed?
A: To catch up on his sleep.

Q: Why didn’t the baby skeleton cross the road alone?
A: Because his mummy was not there!

Q. What do you call a cow with no legs?
A. Ground beef.

skip to my lou image of three kids sitting on grass laughing at kids jokes

Q: What nails do carpenters hate hammering?
A: Fingernails

Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay they’d be bagels.

Q: What did the traffic light say to the car?
A: Don’t peek – I’m changing!

Q: What falls in winter but never gets hurt?
A: The snow!

Q: Why did the teacher put on sunglasses?
A: Because her students were so bright!

Q: How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity?
A: Shocked!

Q: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?
A: A power plant!

Q: Why couldn’t the pony sing in the choir?
A: Because she was a little horse!

Q: Why did the cookie go to the nurse?
A: Because he felt crummy!

Q: How do you keep a bull from charging?
A: Take away its credit card!

Q: What did one plate say to the other?
A: Dinner is on me!

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: It was the chicken’s day off

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire
A: Frostbite!

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer!

Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold!

Q: What has hands but can’t clap?
A: A clock!

Q: What do you call a dog that can tell time?
A: A watch dog!

Q: What has a ton of ears but can’t hear a thing?
A: A cornfield.

Q: What goes up and down but does not move?
A: Stairs

Q: Why do the French like to eat snails?
A: Because they don’t like fast food!

Q: Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?
A: Because she’s always running away from the ball.

Q: What did one toilet say to the other
A: You look a bit flushed.

Q: Why did the computer go to the doctor?
A: It had a virus.

Q: How does a cucumber become a pickle?
A: It goes through a jarring experience.

Q: Why can’t a cheetah play hide and seek?
A: Because he’s always spotted

Q: What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
A: That hit the spot!

Q: What did one toilet say to the other?
A: You look flushed.

Q: Why do porcupines always win the game?
A: They have the most points.

Q: Why did an old man fall in a well?

A: Because he couldn’t see that well!

Q: Why did the actor fall through the floorboards?

A: They were going through a stage!

Q: Why did a scarecrow win a Nobel prize?

A: He was outstanding in his field!

Q: Why are peppers the best at archery?

A: Because they habanero!

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Q: What did the duck say after she bought chapstick?

A: Put it on my bill!

Q: What did the three-legged dog say when he walked into a saloon?

A: “I’m looking for the man who shot my paw!”

Q: How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow?

A: It is either one or the udder!

Q: What’s red and smells like blue paint?

A: Red paint!

Q: What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?

A: One is very heavy, the other is a little lighter!

Q: What do you call an illegally parked frog?

A: Toad!

Q: Why can’t you send a duck to space?

A: Because the bill would be astronomical!

Q: What does Jeff Bezos do before he goes to sleep?

A: He puts his PJ-Amazon!

Q: What happened when the world’s tongue-twister champion got arrested?

A: They gave him a tough sentence!

Q: What did the mama cow say to the calf?

A: It’s pasture bedtime!

Q: How does a vampire start a letter?

A: Tomb it may concern!

Q: What does garlic do when it gets hot?

A: It takes its cloves off!

Q: Why do hummingbirds hum?

A: Because they don’t know the words!

Q: What do sprinters eat before a race?

A: Nothing. They fast!

Q: What kind of dog does a magician have?

A: A Labracadabrador!

Q: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?

A: An irrelephant!

Q: What do you get when you cross a rabbit with shellfish?

A: An oyster bunny!

Q: Why did the pony get sent to his room?

A: He wouldn’t stop horsing around!

Q: Where do cows go on Friday nights?

A: They go to the moo-vies!

Q: How do you make an octopus laugh?

A: With ten-tickles!

Q: How do you keep a bull from charging?

A: Take away its credit card!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine?

A: A slowpoke!

Q: What do frogs order at fast-food restaurants?

A: French flies!

Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?

A: Spoiled milk!

Q: What do you call an alligator who solves mysteries?

A: An investigator!

Q: Why is a snake difficult to fool?

A: You can’t pull its leg!

Q: What kind of socks do grizzlies wear?

A: None, they have bear feet!

Q: What did the dog say when it sat on sandpaper?

A: “Ruff!”

Q: What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?

A: Chocolate mouse!

Q: What fish only swims at night?

A: Starfish!

Q: What does a triceratops sit on?

A: Its tricera-bottom!

Q: Why did the cookie go to the nurse?

A: Because he felt crummy!

Q: What kind of room doesn’t have doors?

A: A mushroom!

Q: What kind of key opens a banana?

A: A mon-key!

Q: What happens when a grape gets run over crossing the street?

A: A traffic jam!

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Q: Where does fruit go on vacation?

A: Pear-is!

Q: Why did the melons choose not to get married?

A: Because they cantaloupe!

Q: What does a lemon say when it answers the phone?

A: Yellow!

Q: What did one dried fruit say when another asked it to the movies?

A: It’s a date!

Q: What does a cow call an earthquake?

A: A milkshake!

Q: Why did the man go to the yogurt museum?

A: To get a little culture!

Q: Why couldn’t the sesame seed climb up the hill?

A: Because it was on a roll!

Q: Why can’t you trust tacos?

A: Because they always spill the beans!

Q: Why did two 4s skip dinner?

A: Because they already 8!

Q: What did the triangle feel sorry for the circle?

A: Because it’s pointless!

Q: Why couldn’t the angle get a loan?

A: Because his parents wouldn’t cosine!

Q: What do you call a number that can’t stay in one place?

A: A roamin’ numeral!

Q: What is a bird’s favorite type of math?

A: OWL-gebra!

Q: Why do teenagers travel in groups of threes and fives?

A: Because they can’t even!

Q: What do you call a huge pile of cats?

A: A meow-ntain!

Q: Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?

A: Because he was a little shellfish!

Q: What does a rain cloud wear under its clothes?

A: Thunderwear!

Q: Why do vampires seem sick all the time?

A: Because they’re always coffin!

Q: How do you get an astronaut’s baby to stop crying?

A: You rocket!

Q: Why are ghosts bad liars?

A: Because you can see right through them!

Q: Why are spiders so smart?

A: They can find everything on the web!

Q: What are mummies’ favorite lunches?

A: Wraps!

Q: How does Darth Vader like his toast?

A: On the dark side!

Q: Why are mountains so funny?

A: They’re just hill areas!

Q: What is the Easter bunny’s favorite type of music?

A: Hip-hop!

Q: Why is grass so dangerous?

A: Because it’s full of blades!

Q: How does the moon cut his hair?

A: Eclipse it!

Q: Where do pencils come from?

A: Pennsylvania!

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke to an egg?

A: It might crack up!

Q: What did the big flower say to the little flower?

A: Hi, bud!

Q: How can you make a tissue dance?

A: Put a little boogie in it!

Q: What animal can you always find at a baseball game?

A: A bat!

Q: Why did the boy throw a stick of butter out the window?

A: Because he wanted to see a butterfly!

Q: What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn?

A: “Where is Pop Corn?”

Q: What do you call a train with a cold?

A: A-choo choo train!

Q: Why did the teddy bear not ask for dessert?

A: Because he was already so stuffed!

Q: Where do elephants pack their clothes?

A: In their trunks!

Q: What do you call a fly without wings?

A: A walk!

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Q: Why do giraffes have such long necks?

A: Because they have smelly feet!

Q: What did the cop say to their tummy?

A: You’re under a vest!

Q: Which bird is always out of breath?

A: A puffin!

Q: How do you talk to a giant?

A: Use big words!

Q: Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?

A: The baa-baa shop!

Q: What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards?

A: A receding hare-line!

Q: What did one eye say to the other eye?

A: Between us, something smells!

Q: What can you catch, but never throw?

A: A cold!

Q: What has more letters than the alphabet?

A: The post office!

Q: What’s black and white and red all over?

A: A sunburned zebra!

Q: What do you call a dinosaur with bad vision?

A: A Do-you-think-he-sarus!

Q: What runs around a baseball field but never moves?

A: A fence!

Q: What is brown and hairy and wears sunglasses?

A: A coconut on vacation!

Q: Which dinosaur has the best vocabulary?

A: The thesaurus!

Q: What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?

A: Time to get a new fence!

Q: What did the apple say to the worm?

A: Nothing, apples can’t talk!

Q: What musical instrument can you find in the bathroom?

A: A tuba toothpaste!

Q: What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?

A: A walkie talkie!

Q: What do you call two bananas?

A: A pair of slippers!

Q: What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?

A: A Stick

Q: What time is it when the clock strikes 13?

A: Time to get a new clock.

Q: How does a cucumber become a pickle?

A: It goes through a jarring experience.

Q: Where would you find an elephant?

A: The same place you lost her.

Q: How do you get a squirrel to like you?

A: Act like a nut.

Q: What do you call two birds in love?

A: Tweethearts

Q: How does a scientist freshen her breath?

A: With experi-mints.

Q: How are false teeth like stars?

A: They come out at night.

Q: What is a computer’s favorite snack?

A: Computer chips.

Q: What did one volcano say to the other?

A: I lava you.

Q: What is a tornado’s favorite game to play?

A: Twister.

Q: What did the limestone say to the geologist?

A: Don’t take me for granite.

Q: What kind of water can’t freeze?

A: Hot water.

Q: Why does a seagull fly over the sea?

A: Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull.

Q: What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?

A: A dino-snore.

Q: What is fast, loud and crunchy?

A: A rocket chip.

Q: What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday?

A: Hoppy Birthday.

Q: Why do candles always go on the top of cakes?

A: Because it’s hard to light them from the bottom.

Q: What do cakes and baseball teams have in common?

A: They both need a good batter.

Q: What goes up but never comes down?

A: Your age.

skip to my lou image of boy laughing at kids jokes

Q: What does every birthday end with?

A: The letter Y.

Q: Why does nobody talk to circles?

A: Because there’s no point.

Q: What was the first animal in space?

A: The cow that jumped over the moon.

Q: What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk?

A: An udder failure.

Q: Why do fish live in salt water?

A: Because pepper makes them sneeze.

Q: Where do polar bears vote?

A: The North Poll

Q: Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank?

A: Because they’ll just wash up on shore later.

Q: What happened when Bluebeard fell overboard in the Red Sea?

A: He got marooned.

Q: How did the pirate get his flag so cheaply?

A: He bought it on sail.

Q: What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes?

A: 8 pirates.

Q: Where did the school kittens go for their field trip?

A: To the mew-seum.

Q: What kind of kitten works for the Red Cross?

A: A first-aid kit.

Q: Why are cats good at video games?

A: Because they have nine lives.

Q: What did the cat say when he fell off the table?

A: “Me-ow.”

Q: What do you get when you cross a ball and a cat?

A: A fur ball.

Q: What cat likes living in water?

A: An octo-puss.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to school?

A: His heart wasn’t in it.

Q: What is a monster’s favorite dessert?

A: I scream.

Q: What monster plays tricks on Halloween?

A: Prank-enstein.

Q: What does a witch use to do her hair?

A: Scarespray.

Q: What is a ghost’s nose full of?

A: Boo-gers.

Q: Are black cats bad luck?

A: Sure, if you’re a mouse.

Q: What do birds say on Halloween?

A: Trick or tweet.

Q: What do you call two witches living together?

A: Broommates.

Q: What instrument does a skeleton play?

A: The trom-bone.

Q: Where do baby ghosts go during the day?

A: Day-scare centers.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?

A: Because he had no body to go with.

Q: Why don’t vampires have more friends?

A: Because they are a pain in the neck.

Q: What do you call a witch who goes to the beach?

A: A sand-witch.

Q: What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?

A: The tur-key.

Q: Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

A: In the dictionary.

Q: Why did the turkey cross the road twice?

A: To show he wasn’t a chicken.

Q: What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?

A: The turkey trot.

Q: Why did the Pilgrims sail from England to America?

A: Because they missed their plane.

Q: When the Pilgrims landed, where did they stand?

A: On their feet.

Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey?

A: They suspected it of fowl play.

Q: What do you call it when it rains turkeys?

A: Fowl weather.

skip to my lou image of two kids facing away from each other laughing at kids jokes

Q: Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?

A: To hatch-et.

Q: What do elves learn in school?

A: The elf-abet.

Q: How does a snowman lose weight?

A: He waits for the weather to get warmer.

Q: What kind of photos do elves take?

A: Elfies.

Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

A: Frosted Flakes.

Q: What kind of motorcycle does Santa like to ride?

A: A Holly Davidson.

Q: Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?

A: Because they always drop their needles.

Q: What do you get when Santa becomes a detective?

A: Santa clues.

Q: Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?

A: He was having a bad hare day.

Q: How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?

A: With a hare dryer.

Q: How does the Easter bunny stay in shape?

A: Lots of eggs-ercise.

Q: What do you call a bunny who isn’t smart?

A: A hare brain.

Q: What’s the best way to catch a unique rabbit?

A: Unique up on him.

Q: What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?

A: They lived hoppily ever after.

Q: What did one colored egg say to the other?

A: Heard any good yolks lately?

Q: Why did the robber jump in the shower?

A: He wanted to make a clean getaway.

Q: What kind of shoes do robbers wear?

A: Sneakers.

Q: Who did the ghost take to the dance?

A: His ghoul-friend.

Q: What did the astronaut say when he crashed into the moon?

A: “I Apollo-gize.”

Q: What is a tree’s favorite beverage?

A: Root beer!

Q: Did you hear about the two thieves who stole a calendar?

A: They each got six months.

Q: What did one DNA strand say to the other?

A: How do these genes look on me?

Q: Why do bowling pins have it so rough?

A: They’re always getting knocked down.

Q: What do you call an ant who fights crime?

A: A vigilante!

Q: Why was the mushroom the life of the party?

A: It was a fungi

Q: What do you call a funny mountain?

A: Hill-arious.

Q: How do pickles enjoy a day out?

A: They relish it.

Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?

A: Arrrrrrrrr.

Q: What kind of haircuts do bees get?

A: Buzzzzzcuts.

Q: Why was the broom running late?

A: It over-swept.

Q: What did the flower say after it told a joke?

A: I was just pollen your leg.

Q: What’s the best way to throw a party on Venus?

A: Just planet.

Q: What falls but never gets hurt?

A: Snow.

Q: What do ducks’ tail feathers do?

A: Cover their butt-quacks.

Q: What’s the difference between a guitar and a fish?

A: You can tune a guitar but you can’t tuna fish.

Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite drink?

A: Ghoul-ade.

Q: What room has no doors or windows?

A: A mushroom.

Q: Why did the golfer bring a spare pair of socks?

A: Because they cantaloupe.

Q: How are cakes like baseball teams?

A: They both require a good batter.

Q: What stays in the corner yet can travel all over the world?

A: A stamp.

Q: Why are robots never afraid?

A: They have nerves of steel.

Q: Why did the cabbage win the race?

A: Because it was a-head.

Q: How does a hurricane see?

A: With one eye.

Q: Did you hear about the kid who drank eight sodas?

A: He burped 7-Up.

Q: What is blue but not heavy?

A: Light blue.

skip to my lou image of two kids at the breakfast table laughing at kids jokes

Q: Why did the cell phone get glasses?

A: Because she lost all her contacts.

Q: How did the mobile phone propose to his girlfriend?

A: He gave her a ring.

Q: What day of the week are most twins born on?

A: Twos-day!

Q: How do you fix a broken tomato?

A: With a can of tomato paste.

Q: Why did the kid throw a clock out the window?

A: To see time fly.

Q: What’s a snake’s favorite subject in school?

A: Hisss-tory.

Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite subject in school?

A: Arrrrrt.

Q: Who did the zombie take to the prom?

A: Just some ex she dug up

Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?

A: Yes — houses can’t jump.

Q: When should you go to the dentist?

A: Tooth hurty.

Q: What does a vegan zombie eat?

A: Graaains.

Q: What do you call a little legume?

A: A Tinybean.

Q: What do you call a dinosaur fart?

A: A blast from the past.

Q: Where do mermaids look for jobs?

A: The kelp-wanted section.

Q: How do you stop bulls from charging?

A: Cancel their credit cards.

Q: What kind of lion doesn’t roar?

A: A dandelion.

Q: What is worse than raining cats and dogs?

A: Hailing taxis!

Q: How do baby cats learn how to swim?

A: The kitty pool.

Q: What does an evil hen lay?

A: Deviled eggs.

Q: What do you get if you cross a pie and a snake?

A: A pie-thon.

Q: Where do sheep go on vacation?

A: The Baaa-hamas.

Q: What time do ducks wake up?

A: At the quack of dawn.

Q: Why didn’t the koala bear get the job?

A: They said she was over-koala-fied.

Q: Who was the owl who did all the tricks?

A: Who-dini.

Q: What do you call bears with no ears?

A: B.

skip to my lou image of smiling emoji face balloons on a bench laughing at kids jokes

Q: What did the mouse say to the keyboard?

A: You’re my type!

Q: How do squids get to school?

A: They take an octobus.

Q: What do you call a rabbit with lice?

A: Bugs Bunny.

Q: What did Mama cow say to Baby cow?

A: It’s pasture bedtime.

Q: What’s the most popular video game at the bread bakery?

A: Knead for Speed.

Q: Where do werewolves buy Christmas gifts?

A: Beast Buy.

Q: What did the snowflake say to the road?

A: Let’s stick together.

Q: What’s a math teacher’s favorite winter sport?

A: Figure skating.

Q: What’s a firefly’s favorite dance?

A: The glitterbug.

Q: Why are eyeshadow, lipstick, and mascara never mad at each other?

A: Because they always make-up

Q: Where do roses sleep at night?

A: In their flowerbed

Q: What should you wear to a tea party?

A: A t-shirt

Q: What’s rain’s favorite accessory?

A: A rainbow

Q: Where does a sink go dancing?

A: The Dish-co

Q: What’s a princess’s favorite time?

A: Knight time.

Q: Why did the Genie get mad?

A: Because he was rubbed the wrong way.

Q: What’s a ballerina’s favorite type of bread?

A: A bun.

Q: Why can’t Monday lift Saturday?

A: It’s a weak day.

Q: Why was the politician out of breath?

A: He was running for office.

Q: What is a soccer player’s favorite chemical element?

A: Goooooooooooold!

Q: Why did the fastest cat in class get kicked out of school?

A: He was a cheetah.

Q: Why was the teenager no longer allowed online without a license?

A: He crashed the computer

Q: What’s a ball that you don’t throw, shoot, eat, spit, bounce, or catch?

A: An eyeball.

Q: What do turtles, eggs, and beaches all have?

A: Shells.

Q: What time of year do people get injured the most?

A: In the fall.

Q: Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?”

A: Because every play has a cast.

Q: What does a nosy pepper do?

A: Gets jalapeno business!

Q: How do you keep a bagel from getting away?

A: Put a lox on it.

Q: What did one hat say to the other?

A: You wait here. I’ll go on a head.

Q: Why did the frog take the bus to work today?

A: His car got toad away.

Q: How do poets say hello?

A: Hey, haven’t we metaphor?

Q: Why did the Oreo go to the dentist?

A: Because he lost his filling.

Q: Why aren’t koalas actual bears?

A: They don’t meet koalafications.

skip to my lou image of two elementary school children laughing at kids jokes

Q: What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?

A: A can’t opener.

Q: Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?

A: He won the “no-bell” prize

Q: What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

A: Supplies!

Q: What does a spider’s bride wear?

A: A webbing dress.

Q: What did one firefly say to the other?

A: You glow, girl!

Q: Where do you learn to make banana splits?

A: At sundae school.

Q: What did the tree say to the wind?

A: Leaf me alone!

Q: What kind of shoes do all spies wear?

A: Sneak-ers.

Q: Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

A: The “C”!

Q: When does a joke become a “dad” joke?

A: When the punchline is a parent.

Q: What does bread do on vacation?

A: Loaf around.

Q: Where do rocks like to sleep?

A: Bedrock!

Q: What did the reporter say to the ice cream?

A: “What’s the scoop?”

Q: How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?

A: You use a pumpkin patch.

Q: What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet?

A: Reali-tea

Q: What did the flowers do when the bride walked down the aisle?

A: They rose.

Q: How do you clean a chicken?

A: An egg wash!

Q: Why was the rabbit happy?

A: Because somebunny loved him!

Q: Why did the king go to the bathroom?

A: He wanted to sit on the throne.

skip to my lou image of twins  laughing at kids jokes

Q: What do you call a nun who sleepwalks?

A: A roamin’ Catholic.

Q: Why did the woman become an archaeologist?

A: Because her career was in ruins.

Q: What do you call a guy lying on your doorstep?

A: Matt.

Q: What do you do if you see a spaceman?

A: Park your car, man.

Q: Why should you never trust a pig with a secret?

A: Because it’s bound to squeal.

Q: Where do young cows eat lunch?

A: In the calf-ateria.

Q: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?

A: A power plant!

Q: Why didn’t the duck pay for the lip balm?

A: He wanted to put it on his bill.

Q: What did the frog order at McDonald’s?

A: French flies and Diet Croak.

Q: What do bumblebees chew?

A: Bumble gum

School Jokes for Kids

These cheesy jokes are a great play on words. A good pun relies on words that sound alike and can have a double meaning. Did you know a word or phrase open to two interpretations can be called a double entendre? That will get you extra credit at school

Q: Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
A: He wanted to go to high school.

Q: Why wouldn’t the teacher bring the class to the pumpkin patch?
A: It was in a seedy part of town.

Q: What did the buffalo say to his kid when he dropped him off for school?
A: Bison.

Q: Why did the students eat their homework?
A: Because the teacher told them that it was a piece of cake.

Q: Why didn’t the sun go to college?
A: Because it already had a million degrees.

Q: Why was the math book depressed?
A: Because it had a lot of problems.

Q: What did you learn in school today?
A: Not enough! I have to go back tomorrow.

More Joking around!

We love funny jokes for kids. Here are some fun ways to share a joke a day! A kids joke tucked in a pocket or lunch is a great way to make a child smile halfway through their day. Playing a game like would you rather is another way to get a good laugh.

So there you have it over 100 funny jokes for kids. Add in the links I shared for more super funny jokes and you have enough to share a kids joke of the day for kids all year long.

Be sure to read the comments some of the best kid-friendly jokes are there! Please leave your favorite funniest joke! We can never get too punny! lol.

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, yummy recipes, fun crafts, and loads of free printables. Subscribe to Skip to my Lou to get new ideas delivered to your inbox. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all my latest updates.

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Knock knock…Who’s there? Necklace. Necklace Who?
    Necklace people don’t get sore throats.

    Knock knock…Who’s there?
    Olive. Olive who?
    Olive down the street!

  2. Snowman says…”I smell carrots!”

    If your feet smell and your nose runs, you’re built upside down

  3. Hi, excelent jokes, i can share one really funny

    Saying the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is called parenting.

  4. Thanks! My cousins have children and when I visit them it’s always good to have a few jokes at hand. Maybe I will be their favourite uncle 🙂

  5. What birds are most likely

    Lets just say there is always a robin in my yard.

  6. What is the best time of day to schedule a dentist appointment?

    Tooth-hurty! (Of course)

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