Here is a quick little how to make a lined zippered pouch tutorial.  It isn’t that hard and I always feel like I have really accomplished something when I am finished. Fill a small zipper pouch with a favorite goodie or gift card to make a great gift!

green polka dot zippered pouch
Zippered Pouch Pattern

RELATED: Make a matching tote bag with this free pattern.

Here is What You Need:

  • Fabric (this is a great way to use up fabric scraps. This is also a great fat quarter project)
  • zipper
  • thread
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • zipper presser foot
  • needle (if hand stitching opening closed)
  • ruler or measuring tape

Fabric Cutting Guide

To make a pouch cut

  • Two outer pieces of fabric and two lining pieces of fabric all cut the same length as the full length of your zipper and any width you choose.

How to Make a Lined Zippered Pouch Tutorial

This zippered bag tutorial is so easy! Just follow the step-by-step instructions. This is a perfect project for beginners!

  1. Make a zipper sandwich. Place 1 piece of lining fabric face up, then the zipper, and then the outer fabric right side facing down. Line up the three edges.
  2. With a zipper foot sew across the top between the edge of your zipper sandwich and the zipper teeth (closer to the zipper feet).where to place zipper between two pieces of fabric right sides together
  3. When finished and you pull the fabric back it will look like this. Repeat this for the other (side) edge of the zipper. Oops, the fabric should go all the way to the end of the to put in zipper
  4. When both sides are completed it will look like this.  Hopefully, you will have pinned before sewing and all of your edges will match up beautifully (unlike mine). You can topstitch along the zipper now if you like.zipper tutorial in pouch
  5. Bring both pieces of lining to one side and both pieces of your outer fabric to the other side. Un-zip the zipper at least halfway so you can turn it once it is stitched. If you forget to un-zip the zipper you won’t be able to turn your pouch right side around pouch
  6. The zipper teeth should be pinned toward the lining side.  I lay the zipper ends on top of each other with teeth facing the lining side and pin.placing zipper teeth
  7. Sew all the way around 1/4 inch from the edge. Make sure you sew on the outside of the metal parts on each end of the zipper, this will be easy to do if you cut your fabric the total length of the zipper. Leave a two-inch opening at the bottom of the lining side. Clip all the way around the pouch
  8. Turn right side out. Stitch opening closed by machine or slip stitch by hand.lining of pouch
  9. Push lining inside and you are finished!green polka dot zippered pouch
  10. Finished! You did it! Now you know how to sew the zipper. I hope it was easier than you thought. You can even add a cute zipper pull if you like.finished zipper pouch

How easy was that! Now try one of these bags with my free sewing patterns.

More Zippered Pouches to Make

Make Your Pouch Extra Special

I was a mentor for one of the youths at our church.  At Confirmation they are each given a different bible verse, special to them, to mark the occasion.

sewing tag

I wanted to give my Confirmand (the sweetest girl) a gift with her bible verse so I decided to make a little zippered pouch with the bible verse sewn inside. I  printed the verse onto printable fabric (like this) and sewed it onto the lining before stitching the pouch together. I also covered the lining pieces and the piece with the scripture with iron-on vinyl before I sewed.  I wanted her to be able to use it for make-up etc.

bible verse sewed in zipper bag

Another bonus was that it doubled as the “gift bag” for this beautiful handmade cross.

handmade cross with zipper bag

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, yummy recipes, fun crafts, and loads of free printables. Subscribe to Skip to my Lou to get new ideas delivered to your inbox. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all my latest updates.

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. This is the clearest, easiest to follow tutorial I’ve found on the web yet! Thank you so much and I can’t wait to try it out! 🙂

  2. I just made a cover for a new kindle that is so much lighter than the ones they sell. I put a hard liner between the lining and the fabric to protect it. Thanks for your clear, helpful directions.

  3. This is a great tutorial! The pictures are so helpful. And the pouch is adorable!

  4. I have this tutorial in my favorites and I’ve made 4 zippered pouches so far. Thanks for making it easy to follow 🙂

  5. LOVE these bags, this was my second EVER sewing project, having the visuals to look over really made it easy to follow. Of course the first one I made took over two hours… since then I am down to about 45 minutes a bag… can’t thank you enough!!! WELL DONE!!!!

  6. LINDA! Whoooppeeee! Thanks so much for this awesome tutorial…. I see some little cosmetic bags in my future.


  7. thanks for the inspiration…linked you to my site as I followed your instructions.

  8. Again, you’ve outdone yourself with an incredible tutorial! I love it! I have made two in the last two weeks! Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents!

  9. I knew i could find a tutorial somewhere for a lined zipper pouch. You make this look so easy! I’m going to give it a go this weekend.

  10. very clear instrux. thanks so much. made a pouch earlier today and knew there had to be a simpler way. i see there is. i’m going to use your instrux later today! YAY! thanks.

  11. Thank you so much. This really helped me I was trying to do a purse from Quilts and more, but they didn’t explain as simple as you did. This really helped me.

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