Are you looking for a doll diaper pattern? Look no further! Let me show you how to make a simple and easy doll diaper. This baby doll diaper pattern is perfect for people who sew that want to make diapers for about a 15-inch baby doll. Follow these simple steps, and you will have a sweet little diaper in no time!

baby doll wearing cloth diaper make from free doll diaper pattern
Doll Nappy Pattern

Doll Diaper Supplies

Whip up a stack of nappies for dolls in no time at all with just a few supplies. These are very easy to make, but if you want a simple doll diaper pattern PDF so you don’t have to spend time figuring it out feel free to download my cloth diaper sewing pattern.

doll diaper pattern free download (cloth nappy)
Doll Cloth Nappy Pattern

How to Make a Diaper for a Child’s Doll

  1. Cut two pieces of fabric.  I used a soft flannel, in pink of course (in my daughter’s eyes there are no other colors). Place the pattern piece on the fold of the fabric.

    These cloth diapers would be so cute made from a fun print. You could also choose to use a printed cotton for the outside and a plain flannel for the inside of the diaper. baby-doll-diaper.jpg
  2. Stitch the two pieces right sides together.  Leave about a 2-inch opening on the straight edge along the back for turning. nappy pattern for doll pinned together to stitch
  3. Clip corners and curves. 
  4. Turn the fabric right side out. 
  5. Whip stitch opening closed. 
  6. Sew the velcro on the inside of the back flaps and on the outside of the front. I am confusing you with the picture. Pretend it is flipped over. 

    NOTE: Actually, this is easy, just lay your diaper out and fold it up and you will see where the velcro goes.  It is probably a good idea to try it on your doll to get the correct velcro placement.doll diaper with velcro placement

These only take minutes, including the time it takes to re-thread the sewing machine needle when the thread breaks sewing the velcro on (does anyone have any tips for this)? My daughter aka “little mommy” will be in heaven with this gift!

Okay, this might seem like the craziest gift, but I tell you my little girl is going to adore a stack of these baby doll diapers. Really a diaper is the only ‘clothes’ our babies wear if any. I think I might cut some pieces of fabric so she can have diapers and wipes.

More Free Patterns & Baby Doll Clothes Patterns

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  1. Thank you for posting this! It is perfect, and I can’t wait to try this out. My daughter will love having diapers that actually will fit her dolls!
    As for the Velcro….I do a lot of sewing and I found that you need to just make sure you have a new (sharp) needle in the machine and it should sew the Velcro with no problem. I had that same problem with the thread breaking over and over again until I figured out I had a dull needle in the machine. Thanks again!

  2. I just would like to thank you for the pattern. I have just purchased a tiny tears doll and plan on making clothes for her. I am a grandmother for the first time. Our Alexis was born 8 months ago and I am looking forward to playing dolls with her.

  3. | just sewed one up tonight…I will probably have to make another in the morning when my daughter see’s it, as she has two dolls…. The fit is perfect!!! And I was able to recycled her old receiving blanket!!!! Awsome tutorial! Thanks! 🙂

  4. Use a Titanium needle and a teflon foot to slide easier. Put the loop side up toward the foot. I’ve never had any problems sewing on velcro and I don’t know why but I only but the sew on type not the stuff with glue on it.

  5. An excellent pattern. Love your simple instructions. I’ve made scores of real diapers and too many stage costumes to count. On the Velcro – buy heavy duty synthetic (nylon, polyester, viscose) thread and sew it on by hand. Yeah, I know. Shock and horror… I bought a machine so I wouldn’t have to do this stuff by hand! but even with my heavy-duty machine, most velcro is simply too thick, too stiff, and the hook side of the tape is a nightmare. You’ll need a sturdy needle and a thimble. But given how many times it’ll take you to unsnarl your machine thread, it’s about the same investment of time.

    If you have a LOT of velcro-type closures to do, it’s worth your time and money to order Aplix brand hook and loop, which is slightly kinder to the machine and also outperforms Velcro on things that get opened and closed a bazillion times a day. 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing this with me. I had tried to make my own this morning. I used an old washcloth and press and seal. It did not turn out well. My daughter thanks you too.

  7. Thank you so much for such a quick & simple tutorial. I was in sort of panic mode trying to figure out what to make my daughter for Christmas (I hand make something every year for them) and tonite she was trying to put this tiny Baby Alive diaper on another doll and I thought I could make some diapers–Your tutorial was 3rd in a search and first to open so Whala! I’m off to make a few!

  8. This info was a great read. Thanks for the article.I am looking forward for your next post!

  9. Wow! Thank You Thank You Thank You 🙂 I just made one for my little girl she loves it!! 🙂 I made sure to put your link.

  10. What a great tutorial! Thanks! Just what I was looking for, my daughter has asked for baby diapers for christmas….:D


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