Are you looking for a doll diaper pattern? Look no further! Let me show you how to make a simple and easy doll diaper. This baby doll diaper pattern is perfect for people who sew that want to make diapers for about a 15-inch baby doll. Follow these simple steps, and you will have a sweet little diaper in no time!

baby doll wearing cloth diaper make from free doll diaper pattern
Doll Nappy Pattern

Doll Diaper Supplies

Whip up a stack of nappies for dolls in no time at all with just a few supplies. These are very easy to make, but if you want a simple doll diaper pattern PDF so you don’t have to spend time figuring it out feel free to download my cloth diaper sewing pattern.

doll diaper pattern free download (cloth nappy)
Doll Cloth Nappy Pattern

How to Make a Diaper for a Child’s Doll

  1. Cut two pieces of fabric.  I used a soft flannel, in pink of course (in my daughter’s eyes there are no other colors). Place the pattern piece on the fold of the fabric.

    These cloth diapers would be so cute made from a fun print. You could also choose to use a printed cotton for the outside and a plain flannel for the inside of the diaper. baby-doll-diaper.jpg
  2. Stitch the two pieces right sides together.  Leave about a 2-inch opening on the straight edge along the back for turning. nappy pattern for doll pinned together to stitch
  3. Clip corners and curves. 
  4. Turn the fabric right side out. 
  5. Whip stitch opening closed. 
  6. Sew the velcro on the inside of the back flaps and on the outside of the front. I am confusing you with the picture. Pretend it is flipped over. 

    NOTE: Actually, this is easy, just lay your diaper out and fold it up and you will see where the velcro goes.  It is probably a good idea to try it on your doll to get the correct velcro placement.doll diaper with velcro placement

These only take minutes, including the time it takes to re-thread the sewing machine needle when the thread breaks sewing the velcro on (does anyone have any tips for this)? My daughter aka “little mommy” will be in heaven with this gift!

Okay, this might seem like the craziest gift, but I tell you my little girl is going to adore a stack of these baby doll diapers. Really a diaper is the only ‘clothes’ our babies wear if any. I think I might cut some pieces of fabric so she can have diapers and wipes.

More Free Patterns & Baby Doll Clothes Patterns

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  1. I just made a couple of these! Very easy! I did decide to put the velcro on first before sewing together so if my velcro got messed up, it didn’t look bad on the reverse. I also sewed a velcro strip so it can fit all our various babies. After turning, I top stitched all around to close the hole and give it a nice finish. I even appliqued some elmo faces on one for my son to match his own underwear. 2 thumbs from my kids!

  2. I put the printed pattern on my copier, enlarged and shrank it so there are different sizes. Have made 2 of regular size already. Great big smiles thus far. As for the issue with the needle breaking you have use a 16 gauge for stiffer and heavier fabrics . I used old receiving blankets to make 1 of them.

  3. I am just about finished making my first Waldorf style doll! This diaper will be perfect. Thanks!

  4. I have some nice baby blue polar fleece and I’m going to do a no-sew version of this tomorrow for my kids. Great pattern. Thank you!

  5. OHMIGOSH! This is perfect. 10 minutes of work and a HUGE grin from my daughter! Will alter the pattern later to make it just a tad narrower in the crotch, but AWESOME! Thank You!

  6. thank you for the cute pattern! I whipped up a pair of these last night, much to my daughter’s delight. they were quick and easy to put together!

  7. Thank you, thank you for this tutorial! This is exactly what I was looking for, it was easy to follow and they turned out great!!
    LOVE your site! Great work!! You are very talented!

  8. Wow – they are simple!! Thanks so much for this post. I don’t have a sewing machine, but I’m sure I can do this by hand. It’ll take longer of course and I’ll only have time to do one or two, but it’ll be worth it.

  9. Thank you so much for posting this tutorial! I just purchased a Baby Alive for my daughter for Christmas. I was shocked at how much the little Baby Alive diapers were in the store and was thinking I could make some for her. Your webpage was the first one that popped up with a pattern. Thanks again for making my day!

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