Hello origami enthusiasts!

We have something a little different in today’s easy paper crafts origami tutorial. I am going to show you how to make an origami shirt and tie.

It’s something that you can get the kids involved with too, and it makes a perfect accompaniment to any birthday or Father’s Day gift for Dad. This is the ideal handmade keepsake for occasions like that.

All you need is a couple of sheets of paper, the step-by-step instruction video below, and around 20 minutes of your time.

We have so many other excellent origami projects for you to try out too, including an easy origami leaf and an origami gift card holder for a loved teacher.

A blue folded origami shirt with a red ribbon tie from skip to my lou
Let’s make an origami shirt and tie!

Making An Origami Shirt and Tie is the Perfect Activity for Kids


Well, it helps them with their creativity, first of all, but there are so many other benefits to the art of origami.

It teaches patience, critical thinking, and problem-solving, and it can be a great stress reliever for adults, too.

Plus, it’s just lots of fun.


You will need the following supplies:

  • A pair of scissors
  • An A4 piece of paper. A square piece of paper won’t work. You can use printable origami paper, any kind of thin paper, or even patterned paper. You can even find some funky paper at your local shop that stocks craft items to really make a unique origami shirt and tie.
  • Clear tape
  • Glue stick

Video: How To Fold An Easy Origami Shirt and Tie

How to Fold an Origami Shirt and Tie

As far as gift ideas go, I think this is the perfect fun origami DIY project for Father’s Day. What could be better than your kids handing Dad a Father’s Day origami shirt with a special message attached to their gift? It can be used on Dad’s birthday too.

Once you’ve found the perfect paper for your origami shirt and tie, you can start the first fold on the paper shirt. The tie shape itself is formed later, using a piece of ribbon.

Remember to watch the video if you aren’t sure what the images are showing you to do.

A blue A4 sized piece of paper is the starting point for the origami shirt and tie.
Start with an A4 size piece of paper.
Blue paper folded in half and stuck with clear tape on one side.
Fold the paper in half and stick the open side closed with clear tape.

Step 1:

Start by folding your piece of paper in half, forming a center crease. Use the clear tap to secure the flap on the open side.

A small section of the bottom part of the paper is folded upwards.
Now a small section of the bottom piece.
The bottom section is unfolded and a pocket opened.
Open a pocket in the bottom section.

Step 2: Fold the bottom of the paper upwards, as shown in the images above, and then open a small pocket. Starting on the left, push in the center of the paper on a downwards angle.

The left and right hand sides of the bottom section of the origami shirt and tie are flattened.
Flatten the left and right-hand sides.
The bottom and top parts of this lower section of the origami shirt and tie are folded over.

Step 3: Flatten the paper on the left-hand side as shown in the images above, and then do the same on the right-hand side.

The bottom and top parts of this lower section of the origami shirt and tie are folded over.
Fold the top section over.
The bottom and top parts of this lower section of the origami shirt and tie are folded over.
Fold the bottom section over.
The bottom and top parts of this lower section of the origami shirt and tie are stuck with clear tape.
Secure it using clear tape.

Step 4: Fold the top edge of the top point over, and do the same with the bottom edge. Stick them down using clear tape.

A small section of the left and right hand sides of the origami shirt and tie are folded over.
Fold the left and right-hand sides over.
The top part of the lower section is folded over the botom part to form the lower portion of the origami shirt and tie.
From the lower section, fold the top part over the bottom part.
The paper for the origami shirt and tie is then flattened once again.
Flatten the paper.

Step 5: Fold both the left side and right side in as shown in the first image above, and then open up the folds while tucking the top part of the bottom section over and flatten out the paper.

A hand is placed in the top opening to form a rectangular box shape for the origami shirt and tie.
Open the paper to form a rectangular box shape.

Step 6: Turn the paper upside down or sideways to insert your hand and open up a rectangular box-type shape as seen in the image above.

The crease lines on the sides of the origmai shirt and tie are tucked inwards.
Tuck the crease lines inwards on the sides.
The paper for the origami shirt and tie is once again flattened.
Flatten once again.

Step 7: Tuck the crease lines in the sides inwards and push the paper flat again, as shown in the images above. If this is not clear, be sure to watch the video to see exactly how it’s done.

The ribbon that forms the tie for the origami shirt is placed just below the top of the paper.
Place the ribbon at the top of the paper.
The top of the paper is folded over the ribbon.
Fold the top over.

Step 9: Take the ribbon, place it as shown in the images above, and fold the top piece of paper over.

A small section of the paper is cut on the left below the top fold holding the ribbon for the tie.
Use a pair of scissors to cut on the left.
A small section of the paper is cut on the right, below the top fold holding the ribbon for the tie.
And the right.

Step 10: Using your scissors, cut two short incisions on the left and right-hand sides of the paper just below the top fold.

Glue is added to the top right section of paper above where the cut was made.
Add glue to the top right.
Glue is added to the top left section of paper above where the cut was made.
And the top left.

Step 11: Add glue to the top left and right corners.

The glued sections are folded over to form the collars of the origami shirt and tie.
Fold the collars.

Step 12: Fold the top left and right sections where you cut them originally to form the shirt’s collar.

A knot is made in the ribbon to form the tie.
Make a knot to form the tie.
The tie is finished by cutting V-shape at the bottom of the ribbon.
Cut a V at the bottom of the ribbon to finish the tie.

Step 13: Knot the tie near the top and cut the ribbon into a V-shape at the bottom.

The origami shirt and tie is now finished.

And there you have it—the perfect origami shirt and tie!

Other Special Paper Crafts Ideas

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