One piece of advice you all have given me in my organization quest is to label everything. So I have started labeling. I have had these containers from IKEA forever but they were never labeled.  I had to open the lids each time I wanted to find something.

Silly I didn’t I label them before when they had a spot and even the card to do so.

Labeling is much more fun because I have one of these.

This Brother PTouch1280 is slick! The best thing is that there are so many tape options (iron on fabric tape, archival tape for scrapbooking, packing tape, etc.) that it really has more uses than just organization.

Brother is giving one lucky reader a PTouch Labeler. Leave a comment (I should make you post a photo of your craft area—wink wink!–it’s okay a comment will do) on this post before Sunday night at midnight and one of you will be the proud owner of this handy gadget!

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Oh the things I could label with that!! I’d use it not only at home but in my classroom!!

  2. I used to be ultra organized but after 2 sets of twins, my house is buried under tons of stuff. One day I’ll get to organizing and I would love a label maker to help. Well, I do love using the one at work.

  3. I so agree with you. About six months ago, before a major move to a different state, I finally got my act together in my craft room and labeled a whole bunch of stuff (with a pen and little cardstock cutouts). It was like a revelation to me. I suddenly could get a crafty thing done in half the time, and then clean it up right away. And then we moved. And we don’t have the same set up in our new digs, and I’m back to square one. Ugh. But would a labeler help me? Yes ma’am, it would. You’re a doll for hosting these giveaways, and I am a big fan of your site. Let it be me!

  4. As mom to 3 under 3, I def need anything I can get my hands on to better organize our stuff! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  5. I NEED ONE! I WANT ONE! I GOTTA HAVE ONE! I don’t even have a “craft area” to photograph for you… see! I must be bad off! LOL

  6. Oh … how I need a labelmaker!! I would happily post a pic of my sewing area now … I have had the flu for the past 3 days so it is VERY clean and tidy. 🙂

  7. Oh that is an impressive label machine. Mine is a puny ‘kindergarten baby’ labeler in comparison. I’m going to go ahead & admit: I covet. Would lurve to have it.

  8. oh! I have been wanting one of those but I’ve not had a good excuse to get one. Maybe I’ll get lucky! No excuse needed 🙂

  9. This would be SO cool to have at my house. I just started organizing my craft room and thought that it would be nice to label things. Did this post come at a perfect time? I think so!!

    It will also double for organizing several rooms in the house. I have 5 kids and it would be nice to label their toy buckets. You know… so they put things back. Ha! And what about the kitchen? That would be sweet!

    I would love to win this!! Oh I hope I do!

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