One piece of advice you all have given me in my organization quest is to label everything. So I have started labeling. I have had these containers from IKEA forever but they were never labeled.  I had to open the lids each time I wanted to find something.

Silly I didn’t I label them before when they had a spot and even the card to do so.

Labeling is much more fun because I have one of these.

This Brother PTouch1280 is slick! The best thing is that there are so many tape options (iron on fabric tape, archival tape for scrapbooking, packing tape, etc.) that it really has more uses than just organization.

Brother is giving one lucky reader a PTouch Labeler. Leave a comment (I should make you post a photo of your craft area—wink wink!–it’s okay a comment will do) on this post before Sunday night at midnight and one of you will be the proud owner of this handy gadget!

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. I am trying to get organized and this would be so helpful. But if you ever find something that folds laundry for you, I am totally in!

  2. I’d love a label maker. It really would make things easier. You’ve already seen my craftroom it probably could use some labeling too.

  3. I would LOVE to have a labeler that works with iron-on fabric tape. Then I could label the kids’ winter gear with something other than sharpies! especially since it’s hard to find the right sharpie for navy and black linings or gloves. This would be awesome-sauce. I might even spend one day in each kids’ classroom, printing labels for everybody’s winter gear! The lost & found keepers would love me.

  4. What a great giveaway for a lucky girl!
    I have everything labeled in my closet and even my medicines and socks, etc.
    But I just use index cards and sharpie markers!
    This would be so much fun to use – I think I would go alittle crazy with it and label EVERYTHING!
    I hope I win!

  5. Are you kidding?
    To quote my 2 yr old. Oh ME ME ME ME ME Please Me Me!

    Wow I never get this excited but this is an amazing give a way! Perfect timing also (if I win that is) because I’m up to my eye balls in clutter and trying to sort label gift give toss and purge all this stuff that my husband, three girls, spoiled dog, and I have.

  6. I make my husband bring his home from work but he is sick of me asking and I’m too frugal to buy my own! Would love to have one! Thanks!

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