I don’t know what it is but I love felt food.  Today on the menu is a very unhealthy sack lunch!

I have provided the instructions here in this post. You can make the shapes up as you go along or if you want to make it  really easy you can download the templates for the food for $1.95



DIY felt brown bag lunch

The Brown Paper Bag

You need two pieces of light brown felt. Cut a  square out of the bottom corner on each side.  With pinking shears trim across the top. Trim just enough to pink the top.  Sew across the bottom and along each side.

felt-sack-11Pinch the side and bottom together and sew.




The Chip Bag and Chips

Cut two pieces of felt. Embellish the front with stripe and medallion. I meant to embroider “chips” in the white circle.  You could also write chips with a paint marker.

chips-1Place right sides together and stitch along each side. Turn right side out and then stitch across the bottom.  I used a blanket stitch along with a couple rows of stitching.


Cut chips out of yellow felt. Stitch together close to the edge. You can add rows of stitching to make them ‘ruffled’ chips if you like.

chips-2The Ho Ho

Cut 2 pieces if dark brown felt and two pieces of white felt.

Place the pieces together and sew around the outside edge, leaving an opening for turning on the short side.


Turn right side out. Top stitch around the edge on the white piece only. Don’t worry about closing the openings–they will be in the center. Place the white piece on top of the dark brown (bottom edges lined up) and roll up.

ding-dong-2Slip stitch the roll closed along the outside edge.


The Sandwich

Cut two pieces of off – white fabric  and a strip of light brown felt about. You might need to attach two pieces together.


Sew  the strip to one side of the white square overlapping the ends.


Sew the white square to the other side leaving an opening for turning.


Turn right side out. Stuff with polyester fiberfill and slip stitch opening closed.

Make ingredients for your sandwich by sewing two of each color together.  You can sew around the edge leaving an opening for turning, turn and topstitch or just sew the pieces together (this is how I made them except for the bologna which I turned).  Add details with your machine.


Every sack lunch sandwich needs a baggie.

The Baggie

Using medium weight vinyl (this is really thin) fold top down  and bottom up (bottom edge lays on top of the top edge. Sew along each side.

baggie-1Pinch corners and sew across 1 inch from edge.

baggie-2Do this for all four corners.


Trim off corners.

baggie-4Turn right side out and slip in the sandwich.


Bon Appetit!

How about a ham, roast beef and Swiss pita with tomato and lettuce and a bag of chips?


Still hungry try some doughnuts!

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. These are so cool! I especially love the sandwich. It looks so real when inside the vinyl bag.

    Thank you very much for sharing it with us! 🙂

  2. LOVE your Blog! One of my favorites of all time. I would love to win this for my kiddos!

  3. Wow! Great work! I think I like the lunch bag the best of all-my kid loves any kind of bag! But the sammy is pretty cute and i love the ways you got the chips to crinkle and “wave”!

  4. Wow… this is too cute. I have no idea what to do with it but I’m going to make it (luckily I just picked up a bunch of felt the other day!)…
    Thanks for the pattern!

  5. This is too cute! I am a teacher, what a surprise and conversation piece it would be to open this lunch at school! What a great way to teach nutrition to the students.
    Great tutorial,

  6. These are darling! I am making these for my little Elle. She’s not eating solids yet but who says she can’t play with them? Not this mama, no siree.

  7. I’ve been trying to find a way to make doll sized doughnuts for DD and just want to say THANK YOU! This will be far easier than fimo, at least for me. Perhaps I could make some mini-scrambled eggs out of the frosting pattern. Oh, such fun. Count me in on the felt and templates for the brown bag lunch giveaway! Such a great idea!

  8. Thanks for posting this! My daughter would LOVE this! We spend countless hours making and eating pretend food.

  9. Adorable! I don’t think I have the skills to make this….but I’ll admire it anyway! Thank you for showing us!

  10. Sooo darn cute! I’m putting your button on my sidebar right now! Thanks for the inspiration! (and pattern!)

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