This cootie catcher template will help you fold up some fun. Do you remember making these? Sometimes they are called paper fortune tellers.

Here is a free printable template to make your own.

cootie catcher templatedownload button

How to Make a Cootie Catcher

Download and print the template on a piece of paper. Follow the step by step instructions on the template to fold the cootie catcher together.

How to Play

Parts of the cootie catcher are labeled with colors or numbers that serve as options for a player to choose from. Usually, the outside of the has a color. The player picks a color and the cootie catcher it is opened and closed back and forth a number of times spelling out the letters of the color. Then a number is picked and it is moved back and forth counting out the number. After picking the final number open the flap and see the answer to the question.

yellow cootie catcher

On the inside are eight numbers. Then a number is picked and it is moved back and forth counting out the number. After picking the final number open the flap and see the answer to the question or reveal a message. These messages might answer questions the player asked or they may be activities that the player must perform.

So here is what to do!

  1. Ask your friend to ask a yes or no question about the future.
  2. Have your friend choose a color.  Spell out the color as you move the fortune teller alternating a pinching and pulling motion for each letter.
  3. Ask your friend to pick one of the exposed numbers, count out the number they chose moving the fortune teller with each count.
  4. Once the number has been counted, four numbers will be exposed. Have your friend pick a number. Read their fortune under that number.

What do I write in a cootie catcher?

The printable cootie catcher is blank and you can make it any way you want.  Make it simple by labeling the outside with colors and numbers on the inside.  Here are some answers you might write under the flaps.

Positive Answers:

  • Without a doubt.
  • Yes, definitely.
  • You may rely on it.
  • Most likely.
  • Outlook is good.
  • Signs point to yes.

Neutral Answers:

  • Ask again later.
  • Better not tell you now.
  • Cannot predict now.

Negative Answers:

  • Don’t count on it.
  • Sources say no.
  • Outlook not so good.
  • Very doubtful.

More Cootie Catcher Ideas

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About Cindy Hopper

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  1. This is so adorable and what a great idea! I just sent to my nieces and nephews!

  2. How fun! I remember making these with my sister when we are little. This will keep my girls busy for awhile!

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