This machine has been getting a workout…

snowcone1because we have been eating tons of these!

snowcone2To make your own homemade syrup for snow cones you only need sugar, water and this

snowcone3Snow Cone Syrup Recipe

2 cups sugar

1 cup water

1 .22 ounce unsweetened powder drink mix

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and then immediately remove from heat.  Don’t allow it to boil or you will make hard candy! Allow to cool. We used a funnel to put syrup into a recycled bottle.


Pour syrup over shaved ice (our machine makes great soft shaved ice) and enjoy!

snowcone5I know I know, this is not healthy and I am one of those moms that won’t buy sugared cereal—- sorry I am a bit of a hypocrite (especially since I feed my kids this too)! Snow cones are definitely a treat, one we love! Making the snow cone syrup yourself is so much cheaper than buying the flavored syrup from the store and it tastes better.

Those Kool Aid packets are actually quite versatile! Did you know they can be used to make hair dye? Learn how to dye your hair with Kool Aid. It would be another fun kids activity.

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Wonderful idea! Thanks!

    And I don’t think you’re a hypocrite at all – it’s one thing to devote an entire meal (breakfast) to sugary shapes doused in milk, and another to supplement a meal with a nice cold treat. Makes perfect sense to me (also, I love my cold treats too, so I’m kind of defending my own position as well)!

  2. What a great idea! We have so many of those Kool-Aid packets that we’ll have plenty of flavors from which to chose. Not to mention that we’ve been meaning to break out the snow cone machine. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Oh I love this idea and am going to go buy one of the ice machines today. This would be perfect to serve the kids outside when they are swiming and want a little break.

    I never knew how to make the syrups before so thank you.


  4. So EXCITED! We have the exact same machine and ours gets a work out at least twice a day in the AZ heat! (nothing wrong with a little shaved ice at 9:30 in the morning!) Our counters look like a water and ice store with all the syrups we have! Thanks for the awesome tip, I can’t wait to try it!

  5. Well, we must do what we have to to stay cool in the summer. And you’re only a kid once, they’ll remember these fun times.

  6. I use fruit juice for the ocassional treat. The coloring is at least natural, but you still have the sugar (albeit natural sugar) stigma. With all things parenting, it’s pick your poison, right?

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